The Human Will

  1. The causes of our actions are caused by our will in reaction.
  2. God knows what we will determine, based on His original actions.

Point 1: Because we are created beings within God’s universe, we have never, nor could we ever create an action that is not a reaction.

Reason 1: Our brain is an input/ output device. We can’t make any decisions without input.

Reason 2: We have never existed before God, or our environment.

Reason 3: God is the only being who is able to create an action that is not a reaction, because He is Creator not creation.

Point 2: Because God created the actions before we were created, He knows the outcomes of every choice that we make.

Reason 1: Because He created us and the universe He knows how we will be affected by everything.

Reason 2: Because He has planned how the universe will operate from beginning to end, it is also implied that He will know how every decision affects every person. In order that His plan come to fruition the way He intends it to.

God’s perspective on our will:

He foreknows everything that we will choose.
He does not make the choices for us.
We effectually create His foreknowledge or foreordination of our choices knowingly or unknowingly at the time the choice is made.
He is not the causal determinant of our choices, which is why He is justified in condemning us for them.

Man’s perspective on our will:

We are making free choices of our own will, for or against our sinful nature.
We determine what choices we will make.
The choices that we make, are our own.

Reformed definitions of God’s sovereignty:

“If there is any element of the universe that is outside of his authority, then he no longer is God over all. In other words, sovereignty belongs to deity. Sovereignty is a natural attribute of the Creator. God owns what he makes, and he rules what he owns.” – R.C. Sproul1

‎”Divine sovereignty is a vast subject: it embraces everything that comes into the biblical picture of God as Lord and King in His world, the One who ‘worketh all things after the counsel of his own will’ (Ephesians 1:11), directing every process and ordering every event for the fulfilling of His own eternal plan.” – J.I. Packer2

I personally do not believe either of these definitions are violated by this logic. This to me, seems a plausible way to allow for both sovereignty over the human will, whilst also allowing the human will to be free to make choices. This has been my only purpose in writing this. I will now attempt to show why this is not “Pseudo Free Will” as it is could be considered in determinism.

If you are the causal determinant of your choices, then you are also completely free to make choices no matter if your will is in bondage or not, (As Adam and Eve were not.) your will to determine is indeed free. In reference to the video where Craig was talking about God’s foreknowledge as an infallible barometer, this helps to explain how this is possible. You cannot choose something that God would not foreknow, but you are indeed free to choose what you like without God further or directly, influencing your choices more than He had by creating Adam and Eve with the constraints of the garden in the first place.

1 Sproul, R.C. Now That’s A Good Question.
2Packer, J.I.. Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God